Hyaluronic acid injections | Dr Benouaiche


Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the extracellular tissue. This resorbable cosmetic product delivers instant results and has long-lasting effects (typically one to two years depending on the type of product).

Hyaluronic acid Injections can help smooth out deep wrinkles, soften a nose bump, redefine thin lips, reshape a receding chin or lift facial contours.

Restore a glowing complexion to the face, remove a sad or tired look…

Beautify and rejuvenate a look

Achieve a more graceful facial profile

Bring out positive emotions and harmonize facial expressions

Gain volume and shape

THE PRINCIPLE: Hyaluronic acid is essential for skin hydration. As we age, hyaluronic acid decreases in both quantity and quality. This leads to less hydrated skin and the appearance of fine lines.

Hyaluronic acid is a well-known and very well tolerated molecule. Prior to its application in aesthetic medicine, hyaluronic acid was used in various fields:

  • Ophthalmology to keep the eye moist during surgery. Hyaluronic acid drops can be purchased in pharmacies to prevent or fight dry eyes.
  • Rheumatology to lubricate the joints.
  • Cosmetics.

The enthusiasm for hyaluronic acid has continued to grow since the 2000s, succeeding collagen which is much less effective in terms of filling power and duration of results.

In aesthetic medicine, hyaluronic acid possesses a great number of advantages:

  • Its synthetic origin avoids the need for testing on patients’ arms.
  • Since it’s naturally present in our bodies, hyaluronic acid cannot be recognized as a foreign substance.
  • The effects of hyaluronic acid injections last between 6 to 18 months, depending on the products and injection areas. Today, cross-linked hyaluronic acids allow for volumizing and long-lasting results. For filling in wrinkles and harmonizing facial volumes, we use cross-linked hyaluronic acids.
  • Its tolerance is excellent and the adverse effects are transient and related to the injection itself (edema, hematoma, redness, etc.). Very rare side effects have been described in the literature.
  • The results of hyaluronic acid injections are immediate.

Until today, no molecule has been able to compete with the benefits-to-risks ratio of hyaluronic acid.

In 20 years, every square inch of the face has been studied by experts in aesthetic medicine. Today, expert injectors know how to beautify, rejuvenate or enhance facial features.

Associated with high-performance products such as the JUVEDERM® range, new injection techniques and in particular the MD Codes make it possible to obtain effective, natural and lasting results.

A range of products based on hyaluronic acid, more or less fluid and with different volumizing values gives us the power to sculpt a face and obtain natural results.

Example: the jawline

The goal is to redefine the contour of the mandibular angles by injecting hyaluronic acid using the MDCodes technique, which is particularly indicated for this area. With this procedure, we will be able to:

  • Restructure the lower face,
  • Reduce jowls,
  • Redefine the oval of the face,
  • Correct sagging skin

If hyaluronic acid injections in the jawline were primarily requested by mature patients, more and more young people are now resorting to them. Our beauty models have changed and a defined face rhymes with charisma and beauty, for both men and women.

I use hyaluronic acids that contain an anesthetic (0.3% lidocaine) to optimize the comfort of my patients. It is also possible to apply a anesthetic cream like EMLA 30 minutes before the injection for a painless session.

What is the difference between Botox and hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid and Botox are two complementary products. Botox, or botulinum toxin, works by controlling the muscles in the upper part of the face, whose repeated contractions are responsible for negative expressions. Botox injections help reduce crow’s feet, frown lines and forehead wrinkles. The result is natural, without a frozen effect.

Hyaluronic acid has a filling and volumizing effect. It is therefore used to fill in depressions and create volume (wrinkles, furrows, temples, cheekbones, lips, chin, oval of the face). It is the ideal molecule for sculpting a face.

Patients looking for a rejuvenated look and wishing to age like fine wine will usually benefit both treatments in order to obtain a harmonious overall result and a natural look.

The injection session consists of 5 steps:

  • Make-up removal of the areas to be injected.
  • Analysis of the face at rest and in dynamics (I will ask you to simulate several expressions to understand the dynamics of your face).
  • Disinfection of the areas to be injected with an antiseptic.
  • Injection in the areas.
  • Massage of the injected areas to distribute the hyaluronic acid gel evenly.

A follow-up appointment is possible but not systematic. It may be proposed to check whether or not a touch-up is needed.

“What are the contraindications for hyaluronic acid injections?”

A questionnaire will be given to you by my assistant in order to determine if you present any contraindication to hyaluronic acid injections. The main contraindications are the following:

  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding (precautionary measure)
  • Acute and significant inflammatory diseases
  • Injection of permanent products in the same areas.

The informed consent that you will sign before the injection session will specify the contraindications and possible side effects.

What are the possible side effects?

Mainly redness, a slight edema, a hematoma, and itching may appear at the injection site. These side effects are transient and will disappear a few hours or few days after the injections.

How much does a session of hyaluronic acid injections cost?

The price of the session is indicated in our price table.

The fear of not looking natural is the main obstacle to hyaluronic acid injections. Examples of celebrities who have abused injections and lost their charm and freshness can serve as a deterrent.

In France, and particularly in my practice, the trend is towards natural results. Several elements are necessary to achieve natural and harmonious results:

  1. Treat the entire face to harmonize its appearance.
  2. Choose products with viscoelastic qualities adapted to the indications.
  3. Use innovative products (brands, ranges) adapted to the indications.
  4. Inject the products in the defined anatomical area (MD Codes).
  5. Adapt the appropriate quantities according to the patient’s age and needs (MD Codes).
  6. Plan the treatment over time in order to obtain the desired result progressively
  7. Use complementary techniques to attain an overall natural result.

The MD Codes

The MD Codes are a genuine innovation in aesthetic medicine. Thanks to Dr. Mauricio de Maio, a Brazilian plastic surgeon of international renown, incredibly precise injection techniques have been implemented:

    • The quantities of hyaluronic acid to be injected to the nearest half milliliter.
    • The injection areas are accurate to within half a square centimeter.
    • The positioning of the needle in the dermis in relation to the muscle and fat in order to maintain natural facial mobility during expressions.

With this new technique, injected faces no longer look puffy, or “duck lips”.

L'avis du Dr Benouaiche

Responding to patient demand with hyaluronic acid injections

The demand for treating a single wrinkle is becoming less and less common. Actually, patients need a much more holistic approach and look for an overall result:

  • Beautify
  • Prevent
  • Rejuvenate
  • Look prettier
  • Look less tired
  • Look slimmer
  • Get rid of a complex
  • Appear less severe…

It is my responsibility to know the anatomy of the face as well as the techniques available, so I can suggest a treatment plan and address the needs of my patients.

Ten years ago, 90% of our patients were at least 50 years old and were all asking for rejuvenation treatments. Today, young patients consult for various reasons. Some want to prevent aging, others are looking for beautification and want to have the “model look” (prominent cheekbones, pulpous lips).

The mitigation of a physical complex is also a recurrent request (to have feminine lips, to project a chin, to mitigate a bump on the nose…).

Young patients are without complexes. They want effective and immediate results and do not hesitate to talk about it with others. All the tools at our disposal are formidable assets that must first and foremost serve our patients.

MD Codes, global and personalized facial treatment

A patient in harmony with his positive expressions

The hyaluronic acid injections performed within the framework of the MD Codes have an essential role in slowing down facial aging. These MD Codes were developed and thought out by a Brazilian plastic surgeon known throughout the world: Mauricio Di Maio. He developed this technique based on his experience in surgery and his perfect knowledge of anatomy to define a protocol for the global treatment of the face in a very natural way. Of course, the protocol is adapted to each face and to each stage of aging.

There is a distinction between what the patient wants and what the patient feels.

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